Cadaveria: Far Away From Conformity
Mika Roth
Cadaveria: In Your Blood
Mika Roth
Caesar´s Palace: Love For The Streets
Jari Jokirinne
Caffeine Kill: Still Bleeding
Mika Roth
Cake: Comfort Eagle
Jari Jokirinne
Caleb Landry Jones: The Mother Stone
Mika Roth
Calexico/Iron And Wine: In The Reins
Jari Jokirinne
Calexico: Feast Of Wire
Jari Jokirinne
Calexico: Garden Ruin
Jari Jokirinne
Calexico: The Thread That Keeps Us
Mika Roth
Califone: Sometimes Good Weather Follows Bad People
Jari Jokirinne
Callisto: Noir
Mika Roth
Callisto: Ordeal Of The Century
Miika Jalonen
Callisto: Providence
Mika Roth
Callisto: True Nature Unfolds
Miika Jalonen
Calmsite: Elvisdeath
Mika Roth
Cam: Soulshine
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Camilla Bäckman: Give Me a Moment
Mika Roth
Camp Cope: Running with the Hurricane
Mika Roth
Canaan: The Unsaid Words
Mika Roth
Candy Cane: Fay-ra-Doowra
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Candy Cane: Jaula
Ville Kuitunen
Candy Cane: Leave Me Out
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Candy Cane: Thankless
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Cane Hill: a piece of me i never let you find.
Mika Roth
CANT: Dreams Come True
Mika Roth
Cantata Sangui: On Rituals and Correspondence in Constructed Realities
Jarmo Panula
Cantawierre: Kautta oman käden
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Capillary Action: Capsized
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Capillary Action: So Embarrassing
Tuomas Tiainen
Captain Cougar: Bonnie
Mika Roth
Captain Cougar: Chapters
Ilmari Ivaska
Captain Cougar: Of Dreams Long Gone
Antti Hurskainen
Caput: Good Camel
Mika Roth
Car Bomb: Centralia
Tuomas Tiainen
Carbon Based Lifeforms: Derelicts
Mika Roth
Carcosa: Another Second (EP)
Mika Roth
Cardiant: Mirrors
Mika Roth
Cardinals Folly: Heretic's Hangover (EP)
Tuomas Tiainen
Cardinals Folly: Orthodox Faces (EP)
Jarmo Panula
Carinou: Bound
Mika Roth
Carita Holmström: Jos tänään tuntis' huomisen - Kaikki EMI-levytykset 1973-1974
Janne Kuusinen
Carl Barat And The Jackals: Let It Reign
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Carlotta Valdes: Praha
Mika Roth
Carmen Gray: Welcome To Grayland
Tommi Saarikoski
Caroline Says: No Fool Like an Old Fool
Mika Roth
Carpark North: All Things To All People
Minna Auvinen
Carpark North: Lost
Tommi Saarikoski
Carpeduke: Hell Gothic Ride
Mika Roth
Cartes Art Machine: Chiasma
Mikko Heimola
Cashier No 9: To The Death Of Fun
Jari Jokirinne
Cass McCombs: A
Marko Ylitalo
Cass McCombs: Wit's End
Mikko Lamberg
Cassie: Sing About Me
Mika Roth
Casual: Casual (EP)
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Cat O Nine Tails: Under Captain’s Flag
Mika Roth
Catacombs: In The Depths Of R´Lyeh
Mika Roth
Catie Fleming: Ladder of Life
Mika Roth
Cats of Transnistria: Aligning
Mika Roth
Cats of Transnistria: Divine
Mika Roth
Cats of Transnistria: Opium
Mika Roth
Cats On Fire: All Blackshirts To Me
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Cats on Fire: Our Temperance Movement
Mikko Lamberg
Cauldron of Hate: Scourge
Mika Roth
Cause A Riot: Final Broadcast
Mika Roth
Cause For Effect: 2001-2004
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Cause For Effect: Professional 300
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Cave In: Antenna
Miika Jalonen
Cavén Tähtinen Rinne Laakso: Syviä uria
Antti Hurskainen
CDOASS: Extra Fingers
Jari Jokirinne
Cee Lo Green: The Lady Killer
Tommi Saarikoski
Ceebrolistics: Ö (EP)
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Celenka: Villoi varsa
Mika Roth
Celestial Sorrow: X-Hated
Mika Roth
Celesty: Vendetta
Jarmo Panula
Celtic Frost: Monotheist
Mika Roth
Cemetary: Phantasma
Mika Roth
Cerebral Ballzy: Cerebral Ballzy
Jani Ekblom
Cerebro: Possessed (EP)
Jarmo Panula
Cessna: Terminus
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Chad The Quarterback: Of The High School Football Team
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Chad VanGaalen: Diaper Island
Jani Ekblom
Chad VanGaalen: Light Information
Mika Roth
Chad VanGaalen: Skelliconnection
Tuomas Tiainen
Chad VanGaalen: Soft Airplane
Jani Ekblom
Chain Reaction: Cutthroat Melodies
Aleksi Leskinen
Chainerection: Altenative High
Mika Roth
Chainsmoker: Stations
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Chalice: Augmented
Miika Jalonen
Chaosweaver: Puppetmaster of Pandemonium
Mikko Heimola
Charisma: Beat Your Attitude (EP)
Mika Roth
Charisma: Hunting You (EP)
Mika Roth
Charisma: Katkera juoma (EP)
Mika Roth
Charisma: Roots Rock Deep (EP)
Mika Roth
Charlotte Hatherley: The Deep Blue
Ilmari Ivaska
Charon: A-Sides, B-Sides & Suicides
Mika Roth
Charon: Songs For The Sinners
Mika Roth
Chase Long Beach: Gravity Is What You Make It
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Chasing Chaptery: Chasing Chaptery
Tommi Saarikoski
Chastisement: Alleviation Of Pain
Mika Roth
Chastity Belt: I Used to Spend So Much Time Alone
Mika Roth
Chastity: Death Lust
Mika Roth
Che Fu: Navigator
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Cheap Trick: The Essential
Jari Jokirinne
Cheddar: Superb Character
Tuomas Tiainen
Cheek Mountain Thief: Cheek Mountain Thief
Pietari Raekallio
Cheerleaders United: Electric Blue (CDS)
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Cheerleaders United: Motorcade City
Marko Ylitalo
Cheese Finger Brown: Low-Down People
Mika Roth
Chemistit: Uutuustuote
Mika Roth
Cherry Glazerr: Apocalipstick
Mika Roth
Cherry Glazerr: Stuffed & Ready
Mika Roth
Chickenfoot: BEST + LIVE
Mika Roth
Chickenfoot: Chickenfoot
Ville Kuitunen
Child of Caesar: Love in Black
Mika Roth
Childhood: Universal High
Mika Roth
Children Of Bodom: Are You Dead Yet?
Mika Roth
Children Of Bodom: Blooddrunk
Mika Roth
Children of Bodom: Relentless Reckless Forever
Jarmo Panula
Children Of Bodom: Skeletons in the Closet
Jani Ekblom
Chimaira: The Impossibility of Reason
Mika Roth
Chisu: Kun valaistun
Heikki Väliniemi
Chisu: Momentum 123
Heikki Väliniemi
Chisu: Polaris
Heikki Väliniemi
Chris Caffery: Faces / God Damn War
Toni Lyytikäinen
Chris Caffery: W.A.R.P.E.D.
Toni Lyytikäinen
Chris Cohen: As If Apart
Mika Roth
Chris Cohen: Chris Cohen
Mika Roth
Chris Connelly: The Lives and Loves of the Serial Homesick, Vol. 1
Mika Roth
Chris Isaak: Best Of
Jari Jokirinne
Chris Rea: The Best
Mika Roth
Chris Stamey: Lovesick Blues
Jani Ekblom
Chris Walla: Field Manual
Jari Jokirinne
Christian Death: American Inquisition
Mika Roth
Christopher Lee: Charlemagne – by the Sword and Cross
Mika Roth
Chrome Hoof: Beyond Zade (EP)
Mika Roth
Chrome Molly: Hoodoo Voodoo
Mika Roth
Chronoform: From the Void
Mika Roth
Chthonian: Of Beatings and the Silence in Between
Mikko Lamberg
Chthonian: The Preachings Of Hate Are Lord
Jani Ekblom
ChthoniC: Takasago Army
Marja Matikainen
Chumbawamba: Un
Jari Jokirinne
Cigarette Crossfire: In Between The Cure And The Disease
Jani Ekblom
Cigarette Crossfire: s/t
Mika Roth
Ciminero: Shadows Digging the Grave
Mika Roth
Circle Of Contempt: Artifacts In Motion
Jani Ekblom
Circle: Guillotine
Miika Jalonen
Circle: Hollywood
Jani Ekblom
Circle: Infektio
Antti Hurskainen
Circle: Manner
Pietari Raekallio
Circle: Rautatie
Tuomas Tiainen
Circle: Sunrise
Jari Jokirinne
Circle: Taantumus
Jari Jokirinne
Circles End: Hang On To That Kite
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Circusfolk: Making Faces
Nunnu Koskenniemi
Cirith Gorgor: Firestorm Apocalypse - Tomorrow Shall Know The Blackest Dawn
Mika Roth
Cirkum: Cirkum
Anne Muhonen
Citizen: Life in Your Glass World
Mika Roth
Cityman 900: Modern Renassaince Man
Mika Roth
Clamour: Kurittu
Mika Roth
Clamour: Rangaistus
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Clan of Xymox: In Love We Trust
Mika Roth
Clap Your Hands Say Yeah: Clap Your Hands Say Yeah
Jari Jokirinne
Clap Your Hands Say Yeah: Some Loud Thunder
Toni Hietamäki
Clark: Body Riddle
Marko Ylitalo
Clarkkent: Passenger
Mika Roth
Clarkkent: Three
Tommi Saarikoski
Clawed Forehead: My Domain
Mika Roth
Claymore: Tyttörakkautta
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Clayskin: Faces
Pietari Raekallio
Clayskin: Red Dust Rising (EP)
Mika Roth
Cleaning Women: Aelita
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Cleaning Women: Intersubjectivity
Mika Roth
Cleaning Women: U
Jani Ekblom
Client: Command
Mika Roth
Cliff Barnes: Free Flyin’
Mika Roth
Clifton Sextet: Ennen seitsemää
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Clifton Sextet: Kenen luona olit yötä? (EP)
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Clifton Sextet: Tästä paikasta suoraan ylöspäin (EP)
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Clifton Sextet: Uudet paremmat kaverit
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Clinic: Wheeltappers and Shunters
Mika Roth
clipping.: There Existed an Addiction to Blood
Mika Roth
clipping.: Visions Of Bodies Being Burned
Mika Roth
Clone: Beautiful Mess
Mika Roth
Clone: Fuzzy Times, Fuzzy Spaces
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Clone: Live & Unedited (EP)
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Clone: Superachiever (EP)
Marko Ylitalo
Cloud Control: Bliss Release
Tuomas Tiainen
Clouds: Legendary Demo
Tuomas Tiainen
Cloudscape: Cloudscape
Toni Lyytikäinen
Club 8: The People’s Record
Antti Hurskainen
Club For Five: Club For Five
Janne Kuusinen
Club for Five: Ensi-ilta
Janne Kuusinen
Club For Five: Uni
Janne Kuusinen
Club Merano: High Road
Rami Turtiainen
Clumsy: Melodies, Oh Yeah!
Ilkka Valpasvuo
CMX: Aion
Miika Jalonen
CMX: Alkuteos
Heikki Väliniemi
CMX: Cloaca Maxima II
Antti Saari
CMX: Cloaca Maxima III
Heikki Väliniemi
CMX: Isohaara
Jari Jokirinne
CMX: Kolmikärki Gold
Jari Jokirinne
CMX: Mesmeria
Mika Roth
CMX: Pedot
Antti Saari
CMX: Talvikuningas
Mikko Lamberg
CMX: Veljeskunta Gold
Jari Jokirinne
CNCD: Harmaa Vyöhyke MMXX
Mika Roth
Coal Chamber: Dark Days
Antti Luukkanen
Cobalto: Elemental
Mika Roth
Codeon: Source
Mika Roth
Cold Cold Ground: Lies About Ourselves
Mika Roth
Cold Cold Ground: This Side of Depravity
Mika Roth
Cold Rat: Terror of The Imaginary Child (EP)
Jani Ekblom
Cold War Kids: Robbers & Cowards
Jari Jokirinne
Coldmind: The Beginning (EP)
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Coldplay: A Rush Of Blood To The Head
Jari Tuomanen
Coldplay: Music of the Spheres
Heikki Väliniemi
Coldplay: X&Y
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Coldrain: Nonnegative
Mika Roth
Collapse 7: In Deep Silence
Mika Roth
Collarbone: Pretty Dirty
Karri Koskitanner
Collarbone: The Back Of Beyond
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Colleen Green: Cool
Mika Roth
College Fall: Eleven Letters
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Colm Lynch: A Whisper in a Riot
Sami Nissinen
Colm Lynch: Tickety-Boo
Antti Hurskainen
Colonization 337: Colonization 337 (EP)
Tuomas Tiainen
Color Dolor: Blurry Things
Mika Roth
Colorblue: Beyond the Greatest Oceans
Mika Roth
Colosseum: Chapter 1 Delirium
Toni Hietamäki
Colour Of Fire: Pearl Necklace
Jari Jokirinne
Colourmusic: My ___ is Pink
Samuli Ala-Lahti
Columbus Circle: Sinister Rhymes
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Com Truise: Iteration
Mika Roth
Coma Cruew: Crux
Mika Roth
Comets On Fire: Avatar
Jari Jokirinne
Comity: Everything is a Tragedy
Mikko Heimola
Commercial Suicide: New Beginning - 6 track demo
Teemu Jokelainen
Common Tones: Second Thoughts (EP)
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Common: Universal Mind Control
Tommi Saarikoski
Con Trane: Aikamatkustaja
Mika Roth
Confessor: Unraveled
Toni Lyytikäinen
Confusion Field: Future Impact of Past Diversions
Mika Roth
Conner Youngblood: Cheyenne
Mika Roth
Conny Ochs: Raw Love Songs
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Conor Oberst And The Mystic Valley Band: Outer South
Jari Jokirinne
Conscientia: Towards Transcendence
Mika Roth
Conscious Youths: See Why
Olli Seuri
Consciousness Removal Project: Do You Ever Think It’s The End Of The World?
Mika Roth
Consciousness Removal Project: The Last Season
Tommi Saarikoski
Constantine: Resign Due
Jarmo Panula
Contemporary Dead Finnish Music Ensemble: Land of Hope
Tiina Malinen
Converge: Dusk in Us
Mika Roth
Convulse: Evil Prevails
Aleksi Leskinen
Cool Sheiks: Sheik Territory
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Coprolith: Cold Grief Relief
Jani Ekblom
Coram Lethe: The Gates Of Oblivion
Mika Roth
CoreBaroque: Only This Moment
Mika Roth
Corey & Maple: Home In The Universe
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Corpset: No Rest
Mika Roth
Corpset: Ruins
Aleksi Leskinen
Corpus Mortale: With Lewd Demeanor
Mika Roth
Corridor: Junior
Mika Roth
Cosmik Dust: Heavy As Feather
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Cosmo Jones Beat Machine: Belzeboogie
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Cosmo Jones Beat Machine: No Matter How You Pray
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Cosmobile: Luna-EP
Jari Jokirinne
Cosmobile: Making Do
Antti Hurskainen
Costi: Once in a Blue Moon
Mika Roth
Coughdust: Worldwrench
Mika Roth
Courtney Barnett & Kurt Vile: Lotta Sea Lice
Mika Roth
Courtney Love: America's Sweetheart
Jari Jokirinne
Cover Your Tracks: Fever Dream
Mika Roth
Cozhe: Pressure Fractures
Otso Karhu
CR: Heavyweight Sickness (demo single)
Mika Roth
Crack Ov Dawn: Dawn Addict
Toni Lyytikäinen
Crack Ov Dawn: White Line
Mika Roth
Cradle of Filth: The Manticore and Other Horrors
Mika Roth
Cradle Of Filth: Thornography
Mika Roth
Craneium: The Narrow Line
Mika Roth
Craneium: Unknown Heights
Mika Roth
Cranes: Particles & Waves
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Crash Test Dummies: Oooh La La!
Otto Suuronen
Creamstar: The 12th Of Never
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Creek Road Eleven: Creek Running Again
Mika Roth
Creek Road Eleven: The Long Harvest
Mika Roth
Crematorium: The Process Of Endtime
Mika Roth
Crescent: Resin Pockets
Mika Roth
Crest Of Darkness: Evil Knows Evil
Mika Roth
Crest Of Darkness: Give Us The Power To Do Your Evil
Jarmo Panula
Cretin: Freakery
Mikko Heimola
Creye: Creye
Mika Roth
Crimson Crow: Silence Before the Dawn
Mika Roth
Crimson Day: Order of the Shadows
Mika Roth
Crimson Sun: Sorrowbreaker
Mika Roth
Crionics: Neuthrone
Mikko Heimola
Crippled Black Phoenix: (Mankind) The Crafty Ape
Aleksi Leskinen
Crippled Black Phoenix: No Sadness Or Farewell
Tommi Saarikoski
Crisis: Like Sheep Led To Slaughter
Mika Roth
Crumbland: Crumbland
Jari Jokirinne
Crumbland: The Earth-EP
Jari Jokirinne
Cruzh: Tropical Thunder
Mika Roth
Cry Bar: Long Gone Gonzales (EP)
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Cry Bar: We Built This Ship
Heikki Väliniemi
Crystal Antlers: Crystal Antlers (EP)
Jani Ekblom
Crystal Fighters: Star Of Love
Pietari Raekallio
CSS: Cansei De Ser Sexy
Jari Jokirinne
Cubehead: Ignorance (EP)
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Cucumber Farmer: Beyond
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Cucumber Farmer: Empirical Research on Western Popular Music 1993-2006
Tuomas Tiainen
Cucumber Farmer: Kaiken teoria
Mika Roth
Cullen Omori: The Diet
Mika Roth
Cult of Luna: Salvation
Miika Jalonen
CunninLynguists: Dirty Acres
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Cunninlynguists: Strange Journey Volume One
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Current Swell: Ulysses
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Cursive: I Am Gemini
Rami Turtiainen
Curtis Salgado: Soul Shot
Aaro Beuker
Custody: 3
Mika Roth
Custody: II
Mika Roth
Cut Chemist: Audience is Listening
Otto Kylmälä
Cut Copy: Zonoscope
Tommi Saarikoski
Cut Worms: Hollow Ground
Mika Roth
Cutdown: Cutdown
Ilkka Valpasvuo
Cute Is What We Aim For: The Same Old Blood Rush With A New Touch
Ilmari Ivaska
Cyan Kicks: I Never Said 4ever
Mika Roth
Cyan Stone: The Stranger
Mika Roth
Cyco Miko: The Mad Mad Muir Musical Tour (Part One)
Mika Roth
Cykles: Cykles
Mika Roth
Cymbals Eat Guitars: Pretty Years
Mika Roth
Cypress Hill: Till Death Do Us Part
Jari Jokirinne
Alueella tällä hetkellä 9381 levyarviota.
Levyarviot esittäjän nimen mukaan.